Monday, October 29, 2012

ARIA payback

I'm not a real part of ARIA spec development but I work with assistive technology vendors and ARIA widgets authors on ARIA support in Firefox, I'm the one who implements ARIA in Firefox. I'm focused on practical aspects of ARIA usage and often I deal with problems not addressed by ARIA spec.

Here how it usually works. We and AT developers discuss a problem and then after agreement we implement just a reasonable solution that works for AT, users and us. We don't always go for a feedback from ARIA group and actually I think there's a number of reasons why. Personally I don't go probably because
  • I think somebody else could do that since it was a group decision after all.
  • I don't always get feedback from ARIA group.
  • ARIA group is perceived as a closed group (I always run into restricted areas the other participants are referred to).
  • ARIA group structure feels complicated (there are two ARIA specs managed differently and when you have a single ARIA issue then sometimes you should go though different authorities to get a feedback).
I think it's because I didn't have a really good story of collaboration with ARIA group.

On the another hand I don't follow the ARIA spec progress. I didn't see changelogs between spec versions. I wasn't really asked for feedback as ARIA implementator in Firefox. Because all of this many changes in the spec were introduced silently for me. I don't want to blame anyone (including myself) I just want to say that ARIA spec development was in parallel universe for me.

Yes, it couldn't be forever, one day Firefox implementation should meet the spec on the crossing and we should get a bump. This day have came. ARIA spec came into candidate recommendation and we were said Firefox don't pass tests. While I was running through failing tests one by one then I realized I have concerns for half of them. It wasn't a really big surprise but I disagreed what ARIA spec states in a number of cases. Here are few examples when I had concerns.

1) ARIA abstract roles must be not exposed via standard role mechanism (see the ARIA spec):
User agents MUST NOT map roles defined in the WAI-ARIA specification as "abstract" via the standard role mechanism of the accessibility API.
It seems very reasonable since there's *no* any single reason why the AT would need it. But the statement might be colored differently if you read it as implementator. If the browser exposes only known and "good" ARIA roles then the browser is in good shape and it goes with the spec. The browser can do different approach and expose all ARIA roles (not depending whether they are known or unknown) and let the AT to decide what to do with them. You can argue whether this is a good idea or not but it can be used in the wild, for example, by scripted JAWS and certain web apps (in this case the browser is just a mediator between web app and screen reader). Also the spec doesn't deny that.

However if the browser follows this approach then we run into a problem because the browser must known about abstract roles to ignore them. Abstract roles are pure theoretical matter used to organize stuff in the spec, it's *not supposed* to be used on the web and it *won't* be used on the web but the browser *must* know about them if the browser relies on "expose any role" approach. In reality it slows down the browser for nobody's win. Ok, it's a browser problem. ARIA problem I think is the ARIA spec tries to standardize things that *aren't* supposed to be used on the web what is meaningless in general.

2) aria-checked="mixed" on radios should be mapped to "false" value (see the ARIA spec):
The mixed value is not supported on radio or menuitemradio or any element that inherits from these in the taxonomy, and user agents MUST treat a mixed value as equivalent to false for those roles.
I agree mixed value on radios don't make any sense since radios don't support tristate. But the "false" value is not a fallback value on radios. That means the browser *must* introduce a special check for the case that doesn't have *practical* usage on the web.

The problem is the candidate recommendation means nobody wants to change the spec at this point especially if it's implemented by some browsers already. It doesn't really make sense to address any issue listed above in the next spec since they don't make a difference on the web. It wouldn't be so bad to just follow the spec if we didn't have other discrepancies especially those that *make* a difference for the user.

The reality is either Firefox picks up that burden wordlessly or it gets an yoke of the browser incompatibility with the spec. No good options, huh?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Raiffeizen strikes back

It's a second time when Raiffeizen leaves me without money for a week. I have a bank card in Raiffeizen, an European bank. When card expires then they issue a new one but before they deliver it to me they block my existing card. They said they take care of safety of my funds and I guess I can't disagree with them: when I can't spend my money then money are safe.

They said they keep new card blocked until it's delivered to me. Also they said the new and current card have identical numbers and therefore they don't differentiate them. That's why my existing card is blocked too.

Of course they are so friendly so that they agree to unblock my card for one transaction if I stay on phone line. Say if I need to buy something and I wait in line in the supermarket then I need to call them, maybe wait for 15 minutes before they answer to me and ask them to unblock my card and greetings I can do a payment. It's also funny that I need to identify myself answering all secret questions and I need to do that when I'm surrounded by people.

They really drives me mad.

Вот уже второй раз когда Райффайзен подкладывает мне свинью, блокируя мою карту. Когда срок действия карты истекает, они выпускают новую, но пока новая карта не передана мне в руки, они блокируют мою действующую карту. Они говорят, что беспокоятся о сохранности моих средств, и я не могу не согласиться с ними: если я не могу потратить денег, то они защищены надежно. От меня, конечно.

Сказали, что новая карта заблокирована пока я ее не получил. Но потому как новая и старая карты имеют одинаковые номера и они их в действительности не различают, то моя действующая карта тоже заблокирована.

Конечно, они идут навстречу и позволяют мне разблокировать мою карту на одну транзакцию, пока я остаюсь на телефонной линии. Скажем, мне понадобилось что-нибудь купить и я стою в очереди на кассу в супермаркете. Мне нужно позвонить им, возможно подождать минут 15 пока они ответят и попросить их разблокировать карту. И - вуаля - я могу совершить покупку. Забавно еще то, что мне необходимо, конечно, идентифицировать себя, отвечая всякие секретные вопросы, пока я стою в очереди, окруженный людьми.

Они действительно издеваются.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Firefox 16 - 18: what's new for AT developers

This summer wasn't super plenteous for features interesting for assistive technology developers. Firefox 17 was nearly barren in this sense. Thus here's a list of changes introduced in Firefox 16, Firefox 17 and Firefox 18.


(Firefox 16) ARIA documents are now subject of document loaded event. If the author does something like:

  <div id="dialog" role="dialog" style="display: none;">A message</div>
  document.getElementById("dialog").style.display = "block";

then LOAD_COMPLETE event is fired after the dialog appears (refer to document handling in Firefox for details).

(Firefox 17) We sorted out stuff related with vertical and horizontal states.  Previously we could expose these states on the same accessible the same time regardless the value of aria-orientation attribute or expose them on elements that orientation is not applied to. Also ARIA role="scrollbar" got vertical state as default value.

(Firefox 18) If ARIA grid contains role="rowgroup" then IAccessibleTable interface went crazy, i.e. row/col/cell indexes coherence was broken.

(Firefox 18) aria-activedescendant behavior was corrected a bit. We have supported the case the spec says about: "Authors MAY use the aria-activedescendant attribute on the focused descendant of a composite widget; for example, on a textbox descendant of a combo box." This is an example these words are applicable to.

  <div id="combobox" role="combobox">
    <input id="combobox_entry" />
      <li id="combobox_option1" role="option">option1</li>
      <li id="combobox_option2" role="option">option2</li>

If the input has DOM focus and the author changes the aria-activedescendant attribute on combobox element to point a combobox option then that combobox option gets the focus.

(Firefox 18) If ARIA role="presentation" is used on the element having ARIA global attributes or referred by ARIA relation then role="presentation" is ignored as it wasn't there. The behavior is similar if the element is focusable.


(Firefox 16) HTML5 article element is a subject of 'article' xml-roles object attribute.

Also we fixed few edge cases. Btw, they all were caught in the wild.

(Firefox 18) We didn't create a listitem accessible for HTML li element in some cases like:

  <ul id="list7">
    <li id="l7_li1" style="display:inline-block;">Oranges</li>
    <li id="l7_li2" style="display:inline; float: right;">Apples</li>

(Firefox 18) Table related styles used outside the table context prevented to create a correct accessible. For example,

  <h1 style="display: table-cell;">a header</h1>

didn't have a heading accessible.


(Firefox 18) Finally we sorted out invisible/offscreen states and the implementation corresponds to what I wrote before.

(Firefox 18) Some offscreen accessible didn't expose the offscreen state. You could see this bug at ai squared site.

Text attributes

(Firefox 16) auto-generated text attribute is supported now (refer to IAccessible2 spec). It's get exposed for auto generated CSS content (:after and :before pseudo elements) and HTML list bullets. Note, we don't expose the auto-generated object attribute anymore.


(Firefox 16) defaultKeyBinding attribute and getKeyBindings method of nsIAccessible interface was replaced on single accessKey attribute. Gecko always exposed either an access key (alt + letter) and/or keyboard shortcut (ctrl + letter). An ability to return many keybindings was never used.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Debugging the Firefox accessibility

Firefox 18 got a logging system that allows you to analyze accessibility related problems and bugs. It's used to debug the real life examples like web pages where thousands of things happen every second and you don't have any clue what's going wrong there. If you ever debugged a focus issue on the web then I think you agree the logging is something very helpful on this way. On the other hand logging is a great thing to understand the problem you can't reproduce (reliably).

I didn't tried the system in case when the bug reporter is unique person who can see a problem but it works quite well for analysis of automated tests intermittent failures. The difference is the test suite has own logging capabilities and it writes down every step so that you can find out where the test was stumbled. Having these logs enabled both you can see what action was performed and what happened after.

Here's couple examples how to use logging to understand the intermittent failure.


Test suite logging

Almost every accessibility related test is based on events watching, i.e. we wait for certain event before starting the next test. It's all caused by async nature of accessibility implementation in Gecko.

You can start logging by setting gA11yEventDumpToConsole variable to true. A log looks like:

registered: event type: document load complete,
  target: tabDocumentAt, arg: 0
registered: event type: document load complete,
  target: tabDocumentAt, arg: 1

Event queue:
  invoke: relations of tabs

Event type: document load complete.
  Target: ['document node', address: 0x1e3b4850, role: document,
           name: 'The Book of Mozilla, 11:9', address: 0x112ddd90].
Event type: document load complete.
  Target: ['document node', address: 0x1e3b4448, role: document,
           name: 'About:', address: 0xe253250].

EQ matched: document load complete

  accessible/relations/test_tabbrowser.xul |
  Test timed out.

It is a real world example. We wait for two document load events and as you see we receive them but only one is recognized as expected one. The problem here is we wait events in specific order but sometimes we receive them in reverse order. It happens because documents are loaded asynchronously and thus events order varies. The test was fixed.

This was a case when the test suite log gives you enough information to fix a problem. But often you know there's no expected event and that's all you have. Extra info is wanted. In this case the system logging can be helpful.


System logging

The system logging is used to log implementation internals, i.e. it serves to understand what happens under the hood. There's a bunch of modules you can track, for example, 'focus' module logs everything related with accessible focus event processing. Depending on your needs you can enable one or several modules to log. You can do that by setting up the environment variable A11YLOG, for example:

export A11YLOG=focus,tree,DOMEvents;

Alternatively you can manage the logging from java script via nsIAccessibleRetrieval interface:

var accRetrieval =

Note, you need to have enhanced privileges for that. If you debug a11y automated tests then you can use enableLogging()/disableLogging() helper functions from common.js.

The system logging can be enabled on any debug or nightly build.


An example

Bug 782991 is a good example how to debug intermittent failures. The problem was the following: when link is open in a new window then document load event was missed occasionally. That's all you know. And that means you don't even know whether the window was open or not.

Since it's document loading issue then it's reasonable to enable 'docload' module. A log when test fails:

A11Y DOCLOAD: document loaded; 47:41.689
    DOM id: 17D86000, acc id: 1A9545C0
    uri: chrome://browser/content/browser.xul

A11Y DOCLOAD: document loaded; 47:42.014
    DOM id: 0E337000, acc id: 16C60B80

A11Y DOCLOAD: document loaded *completely*; 47:42.036
    DOM id: 0E337000, acc id: 16C60B80
    document acc state: completely loaded
    document is load event target: false

A11Y DOCLOAD: document loaded *completely*; 47:42.048
    DOM id: 17D86000, acc id: 1A9545C0
    uri: chrome://browser/content/browser.xul
    document acc state: completely loaded
    document is load event target: false

As you can see '' document gets loaded (what means the window was open) but document load event wasn't fired. In practice a log when the test doesn't fail is also helpful to find a problem:

A11Y DOCLOAD: document loaded; 02:50.695
    DOM id: 0x91e97a0, acc id: 0xebaf308
    uri: chrome://browser/content/browser.xul

A11Y DOCLOAD: document loaded *completely*; 02:51.043
    DOM id: 0x91e97a0, acc id: 0xebaf308
    uri: chrome://browser/content/browser.xul
    document acc state: completely loaded
    document is load event target: false

A11Y DOCLOAD: document loaded; 02:51.235
    DOM id: 0xd9732b0, acc id: 0xd11ed40

A11Y DOCLOAD: document loaded *completely*; 02:51.302
    DOM id: 0xd9732b0, acc id: 0xd11ed40
    document acc state: completely loaded
    document is load event target: true

A11Y DOCEVENT: handled 'load complete' event; 02:51.302
    DOM id: 0xd9732b0, acc id: 0xd11ed40

The difference between logs is in order of the document load processing. If the '' document is processed before a document of the main Firefox window then '' document isn't considered as a target of document loading events and the test fails. It's enough to understand where the bug is and fix it.

If you look for more examples then check out bugs: bug 745788, bug 708927 and bug 691580.